Hi Simon: I didn't do the poll because I fall into the 'none of the above' category. Well, actions of elders had a lot to do with my eye-opeing, but it was a combo of things happening over a period of a couple of years that forced me to get out for my own sanity.
I saw ignorant and horribly venal men run roughshod over their flock, using threat of disfellowshipping to cow and silence honest well-deserved criticism of their actions. I saw politicking of the most egregious sort replace shepherding, and the Society's response was to cover it over and kick sand on the mound and instruct the r&f to pretend the hasty burial was in fact a housecleaning. And of course we were told it was just the imperfection of men, and not to blame the org for fostering such men (and keeping them as elders).
A lengthy illness gave me the time and perspective I needed to ponder that situation and its aftermaths; it also gave me a good lesson in how Jdubs treat their sick and needy spiritual sibs. During my illness one of the above elders tried to get my cleaning jobs for his pioneer crew. I wasn't the only single mom he did this to either...our employers were the ones who informed us that this twit was calling them trying to smarm us out of our livelihood. I never received one iota of help or encouragement, not even a phone inquiry regarding my circumstances. I did however get a couple of calls asking if I had a field service report to turn in! As if I should be out preaching while recovering from a systemic viral infection that incapacitated me!
When the 'donation arrangement' was announced, I KNEW in my heart it was some kind of scam. I recall telling my brother, as he gushed over how WONDERFUL it was and how it MUST be proof of Armageddon's imminence, that it looked to me like the perfect scam for the Society to get paid TWICE for each publication (and WAS he peeved at me for saying that! ): and lo, it came to pass just that way! Contribution expected from r&f dub on receipt of literature, and donation solicited at door to be contributed also. It was no shock at all, years later, to read the legal facts online, see the brief of amicus curiae & see WT listed right there with Unification Church & Swaggarrt ministries... it was sweet confirmation that my bullshit detector was spang-on after all!
I didn't get all the damning facts until I'd been out for years. I knew it was a cult before I found the corroborative evidence online, I knew that the smug arrogance typical of JWs was Brooklyn-bred and could not possibly be Godly by any stretch of imagination, but I had precious little 'proof'. I followed my heart, and it led me right out of the org and into the scary realm of personal ethical responsibility. It wasn't until years later that I found the ex-JW community online and learned that I was not alone in my conclusions, and that there was proof that my observations & conclusions were not delusional, but purely factual.
What Zero said resonates with me: "No one certain thing. It was an accrual of issues over several years, both doctrinal and policy, which seemed to get worse with time 'waiting on Jehovah'. Probably what it boiled down to was the emphasis of organization over scripture while denying it."
Honesthearted people can only pretend feces is necessary food for a limited time before becoming terminally heartsick. Most of us here got sick of the stench of all that rotten crap, and got sick of waiting on Jehovah to clean out the privy and cultivate some actual nourishment for the r&f.
The real truth may frighten those still in thrall to the cult, but it's infinitely preferable to be outside that Tower with the hard cold facts, and in the fresh air of common sense and real ethical decency, than to be trapped inside in the darkness being spoonfed spiritual diarrhea.